Hey org-folk--

I originally included this in my questions to John and Carsten about the
new attach system, but decided it deserved its own thread.  Apologies if
this seems like too much git-spam.

Now that org and git are starting to be used in conjunction by more and
more of us, would anyone else find it useful to have a custom link type
for linking to git objects?

I could imagine that calling org-store-link on a file or directory that
is in a git repo could link to the current HEAD version, and we could
have access to all of the information from calling git-log on the file
(commit, author, date, message).  Similarly, we'd want to be able to
link to arbitrary objects in the repo's history (tags, particular
commits, merge points, etc).

I think most of this could be done via git.el that is distributed with
git.  One cool application of this would be a git post-commit-hook that
called remember to create a link to the new commit in the relevant
project file.  This would be a really neat way to keep a timeline for a
particular project's commits right alongside all of the other
information stored in org.  I can also see it being really useful to
link to a particular version of a non-org file within some org notes.
That file might change, making it difficult to interpret some notes or
making specific line numbers irrelevant, but a link to the exact version
being discussed would make such notes future proof.

I think I could probably get at least a skeleton of these kinds of
functions working myself, but I won't be able to get to it until the
winter holidays.  If these ideas scratch the itches of another org user
who wants to code this up, I promise I'll a) use it b) praise your
awesomeness, and c) buy you a beer if we're ever in the same city.

Thoughts?  Other features that could go into this?


Austin Frank
GPG Public Key (D7398C2F): http://aufrank.net/personal.asc

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