
I noticed a bug with org-bbdb. If I enter a anniversary for the 1st of
March, org doesn't show it in the agenda and complains with "Bad sexp at
line 9 in /home/sec/org/geburtstage.org: (org-bbdb-anniversaries)"

It seems to have to do with the special-casing of the 29th of February
in leap-years, i.e. when I comment the following lines:

|     ;; we don't want to miss people born on Feb. 29th
|     (when (and (= m 3) (= d 1) (not (calendar-leap-year-p y)))
|       (setq annivs (cons annivs (gethash (list 2 29) org-bbdb-anniv-hash))))

the bug goes away.


Last week, Japanese scientists explaced... placed explosive detonators
at the bottom of Lake Loch Ness to blow Nessie out of the water. 
        -- Napoleon Dynamite

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