On Wed, 21 May 2008 13:06:53 +0200
Richard G Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Has anyone else had success following Nick's new instructions to get
> this working? I just tried from scratch and am seeing the same issues.

It's working for me. I should admit (for those who have not been
following this thread) that I had this working in Bastien's earlier
version, so "following Nick's new instructions" (and Ben's
instructions) means looking through those instructions to make the
requisite changes to Bastien's earlier version.

Three points that might be relevant:

  - my org-annotation-helper.el file incorporates the change suggested
    by Carsten's recent email in this thread:
    - "(org-remember nil ?w)" instead of "(org-remember ?w)
  - my template uses "%:region" instead of "%i" to set the location
    for the region copied in the browser to be inserted.
  - I updated my system this week from Fedora 7 to Fedora 9. It
    appears that he new version of Firefox (3.0b5) changes the naming
    convention for the network.protocol-handler inserted in
      - "network.protocol-handler.app.remember" instead of
        "network.protocol-handler.remember" (I can't verify this
        because I can't figure out how to delete the
        network.protocol-handler to start from scratch, but it appears
        that if you just set up the bookmarklet and then click on it,
        Firefox 3 will ask you for the application -- you then
        navigate to the shell script, double-click on it, and firefox
        sets up network.protocol-handler for you.)

If it's not working for you, then I think (though remember I'm not a
programmer ;-) that the problem is likely either in your template or
in the bookmarklet set-up. You might start troubleshooting by
following Dan's suggestion to test your template by starting emacs and
then running this command from a shell prompt:

  org-annotation-helper 'remember://http%3A//orgmode.org/ \

If that opens up your template with the proper insertions, then check
out the bookmarklet.

Hope that helps -- or at least that it doesn't introduce further


John Rakestraw

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