 >> Hi Alan,
 >> Did you download the file as I indicated in my previous message? It has
 >> detailed instructions on how to get all the pieces working.
 >> --dmg

 Richard> I followed the instructions but I cant get it working.

 Richard> Are the instructions for adding 2 bookmarklets lacking since
 Richard> it only really describes remember protocol? (Step 2).

 Richard> Step 3 only mentioned the remember handler. Should there also be an
 Richard> annotate handler?

Start by doing remember first. Are you able to get the remember command
line script (what I call the handler) working? Try it from the command

I suspect your javascript bookmarklet is not passing the info of the
page correctly. I would double check that first.


 Richard> I dont think I did anything too silly and wonder if anyone else 
 Richard> to install this properly? Currently when I click on the remember
 Richard> bookmarklet the pane empties and emacs prompts me for a template type
 Richard> but then does not insert the link. It just inserts "about:blank" as 
 Richard> link.

Daniel M. German                  
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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