Carsten Dominik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> As many of you, I don't plan to be anything but a lurker.  But I have
>> designed a bot that could serve as a knowledge database for Org.  This
>> could be both useful and fun because er... talking to the robot by my
>> own is not *that* fun.
> That sounds like fun.  I'd like to learn about how you did design this
> bot.

For Google Talk, Jabber, AIM, MSN, etc I use ERC + Bitlbee.  
Then I needed a bot to auto-reply people when I was not here.

So I set up a dummy bot with erc-robot.el :

Now this bot can also handle requests from a normal IRC channel, so when
I'm there, people can send commands like:

,org-bmk     : send or look for a bookmark about Org, GTD, etc.
,org-fortune : get a fortune cookie about planning, org, ...
,org-fortune+: set a fortune cookie
,todo        : send me a TODO item (yeah, sick, I know)
,tell        : tell something to the bot
,ask         : ask something to the bot
,ggl         : google around and return the first 3 results
,org-list    : digg the mailing list [experimental]

I hacked erc-robot.el a bit and the code for the commands is very
unpolished, but I may put it somewhere if anyone interested. 

I also know that people use such a robot on #emacs, and their bot is
certainly much more clever that this one, but I didn't have time to
check this so far... 


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