Hi Phil and Russell,

Phil Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Russell Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> First thing everyone talked about was who wants to take the role of
>> channel owner? They can delegate an Op, but the Freenode group
>> registration will want a core team member as the owner.
> I guess I would be willing but I'm not sure how much of an active user
> I would be to be honest.

Being the owner of the channel doesn't require anything special from
you, except responsability (and glory):

,----[ http://freenode.net/policy.shtml ]
| Channels on freenode are owned and operated by the groups which register
| them. No minimum level of activity or moderation is expected or required
| of channel owners.

I think it is a good idea to go for #org-mode.  

As many of you, I don't plan to be anything but a lurker.  But I have
designed a bot that could serve as a knowledge database for Org.  This
could be both useful and fun because er... talking to the robot by my
own is not *that* fun.


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