Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce "Worg" (say "hello Worg!").  Worg is an attempt
to implement distributed editing of .org files.  The purpose is:

  1. to edit .org files together 
  2. to have a nice user-contributed website around Org, GTD, planning
  3. to see whether we can really *share tasks* over the web with Org

The Worg website is the output of the .org files.  Browse it here:


The git repository of .org files lives here:


Anyone is welcome to contribute.  If you would like to do so, here are
the first steps you need to go thru (ask for help):

  1. create a SSH key
  2. create a user on repo.or.cz (and tell me your username)
  3. install git
  4. pull the Worg repository somewhere on your disk

All this doesn't take very long and is explained here:


Once you've done that, here is a typical sequence of wor^D^Dfun:

  1. go to your Worg directory 
  2. pull any changes made by others (~$ git pull)
  3. write tutorials and code and whatever you want
  4. commit your changes (~$ git commit -a -m "My changes")
  5. push your changes (~$ git push)

That's it.  You can even work offline safely, pulling and pushing will
take care of any conflicts as simply as possible.

So instead of feeling lazy about some tutorial you want to write, just
write the beginning of the tuturial, and add a new task for someone:

** TODO Please continue my tutorial [[file:mytutorial.org][here]]

If you add the ~/org/Worg/worg-todo.org file to your agenda files, then
you will see this task sneaking into YOUR list of tasks.  I know, tasks
are very intimate things, but YOU define the way you want Worg-related
tasks to be displayed in your agenda views.

There is way too much knowledge and code snipets living on this mailing
list, I guess Worg would help beginners find their way thru Worg, and
others find a more central place where to elaborate ideas and code.



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