Dan Griswold <dgriswol <at> rochester.rr.com> writes:

> Because I've been trying something similar (but not as advanced), I'm
> intrigued by the possibilities of your approach. Sadly, I can't run
> your Makefile. I get an error[1]. Am I missing something?

I need more details to analyse the problem.

> About font size, I've found that for what we're trying to do, it helps
> to replace \tiny with \small globally.

I'll see what I can do without actually patching the code in cal-tex.el.
> Also, a little gotcha I've found, which may catch some of us org-mode
> GTD-ers: cal-tex.el does not check for the @ symbol when inputting
> from the diary, and thus does not escape it, leading to latex-errors
> on processing.

I've run into that problem also and avoided it by rewriting the one diary entry
that caused the problem :-). Yes, this problem should be reported on
emacs-devel. There is even some code in cal-tex that seems to deal with this
problem, but it is commented out for whatever reason.


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