Christian Egli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> You need to install pdfjam. Most distros have it. Otherwise get it from

Thanks, installed.

> You basically just type make :-). This will produce two pdfs:
> pocketMod.pdf and hipsterPDA.pdf.

I can't get this to work because of the issues I mentionned above in my
reply to Ian Barton.  Here I reproduce them:

| - get rid of the misplaced \verb|@|
|   => this should asked to emacs-devel
| - get rid of the links by using their description only
|   => maybe there could be a special "raw-text" agenda view for this,
|      since I cannot see an easy way to do this from the Makefile. 
|      (Same if you want to use \url or \href for links.)
| - use a smaller normal font for tasks, since it doesn't fit sometimes
|   (see my other PDF example...)
|   => sadly, I guess we need to tailor cal-tex internals for that...

For now I only can do this:

And I need to fix the .tex files manually because they won't compile
otherwise. Hopefully we can find some workaround!  Thanks again,


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