>>> I think using LOGGING is a bit better.
>> So what do I do?  More votes?
> If you want to start using the facility for generally overriding Lisp
> values, then your original proposal is better.  But if this is just going
> to be for a few exceptions, LOGGING fits much better with the
> present scheme and docs.


But to some respect Org has its own definition of 'options' (like
startup options) and I think it's clearer for users to be offered
to  use these Org options first.

A general mechanism to set org-log-done for each subtree looks
nice, but then the user will be able to mix org-log-done in its
main config, lognotedone in the startup options, and org-log-done
for some trees.  Good for advanced users, maybe slightly confusing
for others.

(I know it's bad practice to speak for "others" so I won't rely/dwell
on this too much... others can speak for themselves!)


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