David O'Toole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> As for org-publish, the new LaTeX support is nice. 


> I'm not sure what is coming next for org-publish.el, perhaps people
> can suggest ideas. 

What about a new ":extension" property for project?

For example, we could use this to publish "HTML" pages as .php files,
given that PHP code can be inserted between #+BEGIN_HTML and #+END_HTML

And maybe an Org option for this (no going through the org-publish
interface) would also be useful: org-export-html-extension

> I can think of at least one: I want both the ability to export to
> LaTeX (and then to PDFs with hyperlinks) AND to make a PDF whose
> styles come directly from your CSS.

Good idea to let the LaTeX export trigger PDF conversion. I guess the
conversion functions would likely to be set in a `:finition-function'
(symmetric to the :preparation-function) or within a new hook for Org,
`org-export-latex-hook' (like the `org-export-html-hook' would process
HTML outputs).

For the PDF to look like the HTML+CSS page... I'm not convinced. Not
only it would be tricky to achieve, but I'm not sure it's desirable.

> At one point I was working with an HTML->PDF exporter that had
> great-looking output; unfortunately it is implemented as a PHP CGI, so
> you need to have Apache running even to use it. I never could get it
> working properly with org, but perhaps there are other programs out
> there now.

I guess such an exporter doesn't translate the HTML content into LaTeX
before exporting it to PDF, it relies on graphical libraries. Having a
LaTeX layer inbetween makes the task even more complicated.


Two minor issues about org-publish.el:

1. org-publish-org-to-html is defined twice.  You can get rid of the
   first instance.

2. The documentation about "Tweaking HTML export" (section 13.1) should
   say "Tweaking HTML and LaTeX export" :)

That's all for today!


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