
I would like to use this message thank all of your for your
contributions to Org-mode.  Without you all, Org-mode would
not nearly be what it is today.  In particular thanks to:

- The early adopters:
  Some of you download the newest version whenever one is released
  and put it to use immediately.  On countless occasions this has
  allowed me to remove some stupid bugs from a release before the
  bulk of the users even read the release message.

- The tutorial writers:
  While Org-mode tries to make entering its world as easy as
  possible with as little clutter as possible, it still has become
  a large package with an huge number of features - easily confusing
  and daunting to new users.  I think the impact of writing up your
  own personal setup and way of using it for a particular task can
  not be overrated.

- The mailing-list answerers:
  I see more and more that some of you jump in to answer questions
  instead of only asking or commenting on the mailing list.  This
  ist fantastic, and takes away a lot of pressure from me.

- The coders:
  Some of you have written additions to Org-mode, in particular Bastien,
  David and Piotr.  I really get a kick out of this.

- The idea-producers:
  I cannot imagine how much cool stuff would be missing from org-mode
  had it not been for the constant stream of ideas that is flowing past
  me every day.

- The rest:
  All of you for hanging around here and making this a fun place.


- Carsten

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