At some point, I made a mess of things in upgrading org-mode; stupidly
I sometimes modified the makefile so as to install the local lisp
files to a local lisp tree ~/emacs/site-lisp (loaded by my .emacs) and
sometimes so that they ended up in /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp.
My bad.
Having got some similar holes in my feet I install in my /home directory.
In my Makefile I have:
# Where local software is found
# Where local lisp files go.
lispdir = $(prefix)/org
In my .emacs:
(setq load-path (cons "~/emacs/org" load-path))
Thus any mistakes only affect my /home directory an so are more easily
fixed. If you are the only user of the computer, this method works well.
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