Hi all,
In addition to being pretty new to org-mode, I'm also an emacs novice.
I am running ubuntu feisty with emacs 22.1.1 from the feisty backports
At some point, I made a mess of things in upgrading org-mode; stupidly
I sometimes modified the makefile so as to install the local lisp
files to a local lisp tree ~/emacs/site-lisp (loaded by my .emacs) and
sometimes so that they ended up in /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp.
My bad.
This just bit me as I installed 5.08 and ended up running 5.07a
despite that until I worked things out. Bandage applied to foot, all
seems fine for now.
But, I'd like not to shoot myself again. As yet, I've been modifying
the makefile on the basis of hope, rather than knowledge.
Could someone with a similar OS/emacs combo please suggest what's the
right thing to do?
Thanks and best,
Brian vdB
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