
I think there are two possible interpretations of 'priority', /importance/ and /urgency/.

It is up to the user which is preferred. You propose the interpretation as urgency: "I have to do that thing today/this week/sometime". Importance may come into play with your daily decision, what to do next. The advantage of this approach is the better quantifiability of 'urgency'.

At the moment in org-mode you have to opt for one interpretation. But with the fresh and cool property feature in org-mode it should be possible to incorporate both aspects together. Somehow.

Just a thought, though.


Piotr Zielinski wrote:

I'd like to find out how different people use priorities (#A, #B, ...)
in org-mode.  I've always assumed the standard interpretation (#A =
high priority, #B = medium, #C = low).  However, the problem with this
approach is that what "high priority" means is not well defined, and
if you are not careful, then all your items will quickly become high
priority, which defeats the whole point.

I've been recently experimenting with a different interpretation of
priorities: #B = tasks to do today, #C = tasks to do this week, #D =
all the rest, default.  #A is reserved at the moment.  One good thing
about this system is a clearer interpretation of priorities.  Another is
that it separates the action of inserting new items into your todo
list and that of assigning a particular priority to them.  In
particular, at the beginning of each day, you can look at your list of
todos/deadlines/scheduled, and pick a few to complete on that day by
giving them the #B priority.  At any time of the day, the agenda will
show you these #B items clearly separated from the rest.  Previously,
I had to do a mental rescanning of the agenda items each time I
was wondering "what do I have to do now", which was rather stressful.

Of course, I've tried this only for a couple of days, so my
conclusions might be completely bogus.  Maybe there is a better way
than priorities to mark items as "to complete today".  I'd definitely
like to know what others think about it.

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