Hi folks,

many new things in org-export-latex.el for this release!

- in-place/to-buffer/region conversion -- check these new functions:


- Footnotes -- org-export-latex.el can now convert footnotes. To ensure
  footnotes are normally converted, please bind each one to a different
  number. Only the default style (i.e. "[1]") is matched, like for the
  HTML export.

- You can now use odd-only sectioning (thanks to Leo for pointing on
  this bug.)

- There is a new option that let you decide what to do if a section
  comes below the admitted level of sectioning (which defaults to 3 
  and can be manually set through the "H:" Org option.)

    : nil                   ignore these sections
    : 'description          convert them as description list items
    : "\subparagraph{%s}"   convert them using this string

  Thanks to David C. Moffat for discussions on this.

- You can use #+BEGIN_LaTeX and #+END_LaTeX (and #+LaTeX:) as you use
  their HTML equivalent. No text in these environments will be touched
  in any way.

- The following options have been renamed (without their [...] part):


- A lot of bug fixes.

I'll be off from tonight till the 8th, so i hope this release won't
break too many things!



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