"Georg C. F. Greve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I see this in *Messages*:
>   Retrieving newsgroup: nnml:gnu.ml.emacs.orgmode...
>   Fetching headers for nnml:gnu.ml.emacs.orgmode...done
>   Suppressing duplicates...done
>   Scoring...done
>   Generating summary...done
>   No more unread articles
>   Couldn't fetch article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> So it seems to look into the wrong group.

I found out that the registry is not up-to-date until you save the

Replace `gnus-registry-initialize' by `gnus-registry-save' in the patch
before. It should be okay - unless there are special issues with virtual

> Considering that gnus-registry-alist can slow down Gnus considerably
> and I normally don't use it, I'd ask to always ensure it does not
> depend on it. Please. :)

I still think using gnus-registry might be a good solution, even if it
requires making access to `gnus-registry-alist' more efficient.



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