On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 14:01:06 +0200
Bastien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

 b> Not fully tested yet, but this patch is a first attempt to implement
 b> this.

Just tried it.

The patch applies cleanly, and old links still work.

But when I try to follow a link to

  gnus:nnfolder+archive+incoming:2007-07#<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I see this in *Messages*:

  Retrieving newsgroup: nnml:gnu.ml.emacs.orgmode...
  Fetching headers for nnml:gnu.ml.emacs.orgmode...done
  Suppressing duplicates...done
  Generating summary...done
  No more unread articles
  Couldn't fetch article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So it seems to look into the wrong group.

 b> It uses message-id instead of message number to store Gnus links. If
 b> gnus-registry is on, it fetches location of the article depending on
 b> gnus-registry-alist.

Considering that gnus-registry-alist can slow down Gnus considerably and
I normally don't use it, I'd ask to always ensure it does not depend on
it. Please. :)


Georg C. F. Greve                                 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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