Xavier Maillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>    > I use org-mode and color-theme without problems, so it should be
>    > something in your config i guess.
>    Thanks, that will help me start to narrow down where the problem is.
> Could you describe what is the exact problem with color-theme
> please ?

On my system, org-mode loses its colors and fontifications when most
color themes are applied (org headlines etc. are shown in the default
face).  This happens for more themes if color-theme-is-cumulative is
nil.  After looking at it, I do not think this is a problem with
color-theme.el, but with particular themes.  Most light-background
themes work, most dark-background themes don't.

| Jason F. McBrayer                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| If someone conquers a thousand times a thousand others in |
| battle, and someone else conquers himself, the latter one |
| is the greatest of all conquerors.  --- The Dhammapada    |

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