I'd like to kick in here with the following proposal:

Designing face colors is not really something I feel
competent for. Maybe some of you do? As far as I understand color-theme.el, you can create your own themes and any customized faces
will be included, thus also any customized org-mode faces.
I'd be interested to see better schemes for fontifying
Org-mode files.  Maybe we can have a competition here for the
best color scheme for Org-mode, making use of color-theme as
the vehicle to install these.

- Carsten

On Apr 1, 2007, at 13:50, Jason F. McBrayer wrote:

On Sat, 2007-03-31 at 07:35 -0400, Jason F. McBrayer wrote:
On Sat, 2007-03-31 at 13:04 +0200, Bastien wrote:

I use org-mode and color-theme without problems, so it should be
something in your config i guess.

Thanks, that will help me start to narrow down where the problem is.

I've figured out where the problem was, and I'm posting it here for
reference purposes.  I had color-theme-is-cumulative set to nil, and I
suspect that was causing color themes to throw away the org-mode faces.
Setting that to t, most color themes work.  Also, some color themes are
less cooperative than others, so it appears to be a problem with those
themes rather than with org-mode, or with the color-theme package.

| Jason F. McBrayer                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| If someone conquers a thousand times a thousand others in |
| battle, and someone else conquers himself, the latter one |
| is the greatest of all conquerors.  --- The Dhammapada    |

Emacs-orgmode mailing list

Carsten Dominik
Sterrenkundig Instituut "Anton Pannekoek"
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403
NL-1098SJ Amsterdam
phone: +31 20 525 7477

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