We seek to fill two (2) NSF Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) 
positions at the Savannah River Site (SRS) Corridor Experiment (near New 
Ellenton, South Carolina) for projects investigating the role of corridors on 
insect and plant ecology in the summer of 2025. Students will work directly 
with Thomas Smith (University of Wisconsin, based at SRS), Melissa Burt 
(Tusculum University), and the project collaborators (Ellen Damschen, John 
Orrock, Lars Brudvig, Nick Haddad, Julian Resasco, Doug Levey) to: (1) gain 
insight and experience in ecology field research and (2) conduct a mentored 
research project of their own within the context of ongoing research.

REU students will be on site at SRS collecting data in the field in the largest 
corridor experiment in the world. In addition to working with a large team of 
other undergraduates, graduate students, principal investigators, and US Forest 
Service personnel, they will gain experience with experimental design, data 
collection, data analysis, and scientific writing and presentation. Students 
will design and conduct an independent research project with the guidance of 
their mentors, attend lab meetings focused on research and professional 
development, and assist with field tasks associated with the Corridor Project. 
Potential tasks include surveys of plant-pollinator interactions, 
mark-recapture of insect populations, insect sampling via pitfall traps, 
collection of plants for functional traits measurements, vegetation surveys, 
and site maintenance tasks. Students should expect to develop individual 
projects around one of two topics related to: 1) the impacts of fragmentation 
and corridors on insects and/or plant-insect interactions, or 2) the 
demographic effects of corridor use by plant herbivores.

Applicants should be hard-working, inquisitive, dedicated, and responsible. 
This would be a good opportunity for students interested in pursuing careers in 
science, particularly in ecology and conservation biology.

Application Process:
Deadline to Apply: February 26th, 2025 for full consideration, rolling deadline 
thereafter until positions are filled. Interested students are encouraged to 
apply by submitting to: tasmit...@wisc.edu<mailto:tasmit...@wisc.edu>

(1) a short letter (~1 page) that explains your interest in the position and 
summarizes any relevant experience, (2) a CV or resume, and (3) the names and 
contact information for two references. Applications will begin to be reviewed 
on February 26th and will continue to be considered until the positions are 

Applicants should expect to spend approximately 12 weeks of summer 2025 at SRS 
as an REU. Start/end dates: late May-early August. Stipends are ~$500/week with 
an additional offset to living expenses ($50/week), reimbursement for travel to 
South Carolina for non-local individuals (up to $500), and funds for research 
expenses related to the project. Housing is not provided, but we can assist in 
identifying housing arrangements for each student.

We are interested in individuals at any stage of their undergraduate career, 
but REU students must be enrolled as undergraduates through at least August 
2025 (i.e., cannot be graduating in May 2025) and be US citizens or full-time 

For more information contact the REU mentors: 
tasmit...@wisc.edu<mailto:tasmit...@wisc.edu> and 

Permanent link to REU advertisement: 

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