Hello Ecologists,

The Vegetation Section gives the Robert P. McIntosh Award to the best paper in 
vegetation ecology published in the previous year, nominated for the award by a 
section member (self-nominations are welcome). The winning paper should 
represent an excellent, creative, and rigorous work that clearly advances the 
theory, methods, or applications of vegetation ecology. We particularly 
encourage folks to nominate (or self-nominate!) less represented groups in 
ecology. The award is open to any paper regardless of the section membership of 
the authors, but section membership is used as a tiebreaker. The winning lead 
author receives a certificate.

Nominations by section members are due to the Chair of the Section via email by 
February 21 and they must include (1) a copy of the paper and (2) a cover 
letter that explains how the paper advances the theory, methods, or 
applications of vegetation ecology.  Nominated papers are evaluated by the 
executive committee of the Vegetation Section which selects the winning paper 
that best represents the above criteria. Each member of the committee ranks the 
papers and the paper with the lowest summed rank is selected as the winner. In 
the event of a tie, Vegetation Section membership determines the winner by 
first considering the lead author’s and then (if needed) co-authors’ 
memberships (if that is not sufficient, the executive committee re-vote).

Please submit your nominations by February 21, or any questions, to 
esavegetat...@gmail.com<mailto:esavegetat...@gmail.com> . Please feel free to 
send a link to the paper instead of a PDF if the file size is large.


We look forward to reading some excellent research!

Carissa Brown, on behalf of the Vegetation Section

I do not expect you to respond outside of your working hours

Carissa Brown
Professor of Biogeography

Department of Geography
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NL, A1B 3X9




We acknowledge that the lands on which Memorial University’s campuses are 
situated are in the traditional territories of diverse Indigenous groups, and 
we acknowledge with respect the diverse histories and cultures of the Beothuk, 
Mi’kmaq, Innu, and Inuit of this province.

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