
Registration soon closes for the IUFRO Wind and Trees Workshop: Wind Effects on 
Coastal Forests. You can access registration 
 Registration deadline is January 25.

This workshop will cover the following topics:

  *   Measuring biomass and stand structure using terrestrial laser scanning
  *   Measuring wind stress and failure in forests
  *   Communicating climate-smart forestry practices

This workshop is aimed at those who would like to learn techniques or improve 
their skills measuring wind effects in forest systems, including mangrove 
forests and/or work with resources for climate smart communication. Though we 
focus on coastal forests because our hurricane-prone location, the skills are 
transferable to any forest system.

We encourage students, post-docs, technicians, and anyone who wants to improve 
their skills in these topics to attend. The 3-day program is aimed at 
demonstration and practice, including instrumentation options, field set up and 
operation, and data cleaning and analysis. (Plus online resources for climate 
smart forestry.)

Before you register, please review the program document for details about 
logistics, housing, agenda, etc. You can find that document 
 I recommend you bookmark that file so you can refer to it later. On-site 
housing is available in limited quantities at the registration link. Local 
hotels or vacation rentals are also options. If you want to register for the 
meeting now and housing later, that is an option.

We’ll update the program document as needed including with a more detailed 
daily agenda and information about workshop leaders.

We hope to see you in South Carolina in February. Typical temperatures at this 
time of year are in the mid-50s or low 60s. Quite pleasant.


Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation
Belle W. Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science
Clemson University

PO Box 596
Georgetown, SC 29442

w 843-546-1013 x 230
c  843-235-2668<><>
FB: skipj.vanbloem

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