Build the program you want to see in Baltimore! [Ecological Society of America]<>
Submit a Proposal for a Non-paper Session And now including Career Central! <>[logo of the ESA annual meeting]<><> This year’s Annual Meeting<> will be held August 10-15, 2025, in Baltimore, Maryland. Proposal submissions are now open<> for workshops, special sessions, Career Central sessions, short courses and field trips. We will not offer any hybrid or virtual sessions this year. All session participants should plan to present in person in Baltimore. We are unable to accommodate remote participation. Proposals are encouraged to address the meeting theme, Ecology is Everywhere, if appropriate, but doing so is not necessary. Any timely and coherent subject of broad ecological interest will be considered. We also welcome proposals that explore interdisciplinary connections with areas of social and natural science outside of ecology or that relate to ecological education at any level. New this year, we are inviting proposals for Career Central sessions. In recent years, Career Central sessions were organized by ESA’s Membership Department. We are opening this call to the broader ecological community to meet strong ongoing interest in career-oriented programming. ESA Membership staff will continue to offer CV/resume review, mock interviews, and networking events at Career Central. Proposals must be submitted through the meeting website by January 9, 2025 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time (2:00 Pacific Time). No late or emailed proposals will be considered. If you have any questions, please contact ESA’s Meetings Team (<>). Learn More & Submit <> [two ecology students measure water samples at a coastal cleanup site]<> [] Ecological Society of America Washington, DC 20036<> To unsubscribe from this list please go to