We are seeking a full-time Biological Scientist (Lab Manager) in the Qiu Lab (https://jiangxiaoqiu.weebly.com/) at the University of Florida in the School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences. The position is based at the Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center in Davie, Florida. Research in the lab broadly falls into Landscape ecology, Ecosystem ecology, Global change ecology, and Sustainability science, and aims to understand how global environmental changes alter human-dominated landscapes at regional to global scales, and consequences for biotic communities and vital ecosystem services. We use an interdisciplinary approach that integrates field observation and experiment, computational modeling, landscape analysis, remote sensing, data synthesis, and social sciences.
This is an exciting opportunity for candidates who are enthusiastic about working on impactful research projects and seeking opportunities for career advancement, including professional development, collaborative research, data analytics, publication, and the use of a range of research equipment and infrastructure. The position is permanent and available for immediate start, with comprehensive benefits including retirement, health insurance, dental, and paid leave. Annual renewal of the contract is contingent upon satisfactory performance. Job Responsibilities: * Organizing day-to-day lab functioning * Conducting and coordinating fieldwork related to varied research projects * Performing laboratory analyses (e.g., soil, water, gas, and plant samples) * Collecting and organizing datasets and performing basic data analyses * Assisting graduate students' research projects and supervising undergraduate interns working in the lab * Participating in relevant outreach and extension work Basic Qualifications: * A bachelor’s degree in Ecology, Environmental Science, Biology, Agricultural Science, or a related field * Strong attention to detail with respect to protocols and data management * Evidence of independent field and lab work experience, and problem-solving skills * Ability to conduct field research in the Floridian systems with a valid driver's license * Demonstrated history of dedication to lab work and accountability Preferred Qualifications: * Experience in professional software with analytical skills such as R, Python, and ArcGIS * Experience in managing a lab, including ordering lab supplies and constructing/assembling basic lab equipment * Effective interpersonal and communication (oral and written) skills Please send the following materials in a single PDF file to Dr. Jiangxiao Qiu (q...@ufl.edu<mailto:q...@ufl.edu>): (1) cover letter describing your interest in this position and a description of relevant previous experience; (2) a recent CV/Resume; and (3) contact information for three references. Review of applications will start immediately on a rolling basis until the position is filled. If you have any questions regarding this position, please feel free to contact Dr. Jiangxiao Qiu (q...@ufl.edu<mailto:q...@ufl.edu>). To unsubscribe from this list please go to https://community.esa.org/confirm/?u=RhPWqPxFwODKvbkiT32nkIqRrsiSgulp