*Benioff Oceans Science Laboratory Associate Specialist – Marine Science
Institute, University of California Santa Barbara*



*Position title: *Associate Specialist

*Salary range: *A reasonable estimate that the University expects to pay
for this position at 100% time is $74,900 - $93,500.

*Percent time: *100%

*Anticipated start: *The position will ideally start March 10, 2025.

*Position duration: *The initial appointment is for one year from the start
date which would ideally start in March 2025. The overall appointment is
expected to be for 2 years from the start date.


*Open date: *November 26, 2024

*Next review date: *Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time). Apply
by this date to ensure full consideration by the committee.

*Final date: *Monday, Jun 30, 2025 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)

Applications will continue to be accepted until this date, but those
received after the review date will only be considered if the position has
not yet been filled.


The Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory (www.bosl.ucsb.edu) is an applied
research center at the University of California Santa Barbara’s Marine Science
Institute. The Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory team works to leverage the
power of marine science and technology to develop and implement tangible
solutions to a wide range of ocean problems.

The Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory is seeking an Associate Specialist
skilled in data science with spatial environmental/marine applications to
lead analyses supporting proposals to establish marine protected areas in
the high seas, or “areas beyond national jurisdiction”. This work will
support implementation of the recent Agreement under the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of
Marine Biological Diversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ
Agreement), which has paved the way for various stakeholder groups to
propose protections for the vast high seas. Data analysis and synthesis
performed by the candidate will be used to prioritize and refine protected
area proposals, building on previous work by the Benioff Ocean Science
Laboratory and Pew Charitable Trusts to produce the Protect High Seas
Interactive Visualization Tool (

The position will have the following responsibilities:

·        Conduct analyses on a variety of marine data – including but not
limited to spatial, biodiversity, benthic, fisheries, productivity, and
atmospheric – to better inform diverse proposals for protections of high
seas regions.

·        Review and synthesize peer-reviewed and gray literature (e.g.,
technical reports, government reports, white papers).

·        Leverage existing Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory datasets and
identify new data sources.

·        Collaborate with stakeholders such as governments, civil
society/non-governmental organizations, indigenous communities, and

·        Contribute data science and spatial data expertise to other
Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory projects on topics such as climate
change/blue carbon, whale- ship strikes, plastic pollution, deep sea
mining, and more.

This appointment includes a competitive benefits package with medical,
dental, and vision insurance and a UC retirement plan. Salary is
commensurate with the applicant’s qualifications and experience.

The Department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to
the diversity and excellence of the academic community through research,
teaching and service as appropriate to the position.

*Department*: https://msi.ucsb.edu/


*Basic qualifications *(required at time of application)

A master’s degree (or equivalent degree) in environmental science, marine
science, data science, computer science, or related field is required at the
 time of application.

*Additional qualifications *(required at time of start)

At least three years of experience in data science, spatial data analysis,
environmental science, marine science, marine policy, or related area is
required at the time of appointment.
Preferred qualifications

·        Considerable experience with standard programming languages and
software used in environmental and spatial data science including R,
Python, ArcGIS/QGIS, or others.

·        Proficiency with standard methods of tracking, sharing, and updatin
g code and methodology such as GitHub.

·        Experience working with large spatial data sets that involve
biodiversity or climate change-related topics.

·        Experience working on marine protected areas or international
environmental agreements.

·        Demonstrated capacity to publish peer-reviewed articles or non-peer
 reviewed reports with strong dependency on spatial data.

·        Ability and enthusiasm to work with diverse collaborators in a
spirit of respect.

·        Willingness to collaborate with external partners in global time
zones, occasionally resulting in after-hours commitments.

·        Ability to meet tight deadlines.

·        Ability to work independently.

·        Willingness to engage with news media by developing summary
materials, press releases, and interviewing a plus.


·        Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.

·        Cover Letter

·        Statement of Contributions to Diversity - Statement addressing past
 and/or potential contributions to diversity. We encourage applicants to
submit an optional Statement of Contributions to Diversity. These statements
, if submitted, will be reviewed for evidence of teaching, research, profess
ional and/or public service contributions that promote diversity, equal
opportunity and equitable access. (Optional)
Reference requirements

·        3 required (contact information only)

The search committee will contact references of the top candidate(s) after
the interviews. After references are checked, a top candidate will be

*Apply link: *https://recruit.ap.ucsb.edu/JPF02903

*Help contact: *lswan...@ucsb.edu


The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment
 without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status. For
the University of California’s Affirmative Action Policy please visit:
https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/4010393/PPSM-20. For the University of Californi
a’s Anti-Discrimination Policy, please visit:

As a condition of employment, you will be required to comply with the
University of California Policy on Vaccination Programs
<https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/5000695/VaccinationProgramsPolicy>, as may be
amended or revised from time to time. Federal, state, or local public health
 directives may impose additional requirements.


Santa Barbara, CA UCSB

*Molly Morse*
Pronouns: she/her
Senior Manager
Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory
University of California Santa Barbara
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