*Funded M.Sc. position in Invasive Plant Ecology and Invasion Risk

*Position Description: *The Flory Lab <https://florylab.com/> and the IFAS
Assessment of Non-Native Plants in Florida’s Natural Areas
<https://assessment.ifas.ufl.edu/> (UF/IFAS Assessment) at the University
of Florida are recruiting a M.Sc. student to conduct research on invasive
plant ecology and invasion risk assessment. The student will assist the
UF/IFAS Assessment Coordinator in using literature, GIS, and expert-based
assessment tools to evaluate the invasion risk of non-native species that
occur in the state, new species proposed for introduction, and novel
agricultural and horticultural selections, hybrids, and cultivars in
Florida. In these pursuits, the student will likely collaborate with
experts from various organizations including the Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission (FWC), Florida Invasive Species Council, and the UF
Invasive Species Council. The student’s M.Sc. thesis could focus on a wide
range of topics related to the invasion risk of non-native plant species,
and could incorporate field studies and/or field, greenhouse, and growth
chamber experiments.

*Qualifications:  * Bachelor’s degree in ecology, forestry, biology,
botany, natural resources, environmental science, or a closely related
field, and interest in plant ecology is required. Preferred qualifications
include interest in assessing plant invasion risk, quantitative and
qualitative skills, previous research experience, ability to work
independently and on a team, strong work ethic, communication skills, and
leadership experience or potential.

*Funding: *The position is fully funded for a period of up to 2.5 years,
including tuition, stipend, and benefits.

*Mentorship and program information: *The student will be
co-mentored/co-advised by Professor Luke Flory (fl...@ufl.edu) and Postdoc
and Coordinator of the UF/IFAS Assessment Seokmin Kim (kimseok...@ufl.edu).
The student may enroll as part of the UF School of Natural Resources and
the Environment (SNRE) Interdisciplinary Ecology program or in the UF
Agronomy Department.

*To apply: *Expressions of interest should be emailed to Dr. Kim with the
subject heading: “UF/IFAS Assessment MSc application”. Please provide 1)
your resume/CV, 2) a brief (~500 words) statement of purpose, including why
you are interested in working as part of this research team. Questions
about the position can be directed to Dr. Kim or to Dr. Flory.
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