Eastern Washington University invites applicants for our Master of Science program in Biology!
https://www.ewu.edu/cstem/biology/biology-ms/ The EWU Biology MS is a thesis-based program emphasizing research. A variety of specialties are available within the department, including aquatic and riparian ecology, cell biology, fisheries, genetics, microbiology, molecular ecology, physiology, restoration ecology, and wildlife (see https://www.ewu.edu/cstem/biology/faculty-staff/). We welcome applicants from a diversity of backgrounds interested in any of these fields, including those underrepresented in biology. The following ecology and natural resource faculty are specifically inviting applications for Fall 2025 admission, although other faculty have open positions as well. The Brown Plant Ecology Lab (https://inside.ewu.edu/rbrown/people/) at Eastern Washington University is recruiting graduate students to study Palouse Prairie restoration approaches focused around increasing native biodiversity using cost-efficient strategies. Please reach out to Rebecca Brown (rbr...@ewu.edu) for more information about the project. Dr. Krisztian Magori (kmag...@ewu.edu) is recruiting graduate students to study infectious disease threats to animals and people in relation to climate, land use and biodiversity change in the Inland Northwest; as well as to develop and disseminate best practices to integrate AI into biological data analysis. Camille McNeely (fmcne...@ewu.edu) is recruiting students interested in stream or wetland ecology, with a focus on invertebrates, restoration, and/or food webs. One possible MS thesis would examine the effects of trace metals on secondary production of benthic invertebrates in the Spokane River. I am also willing to work with a student in developing their own research ideas. Please contact Dr. McNeely for more information. Charlotte Milling (cmill...@ewu.edu) is evaluating candidates for MS positions in the field of wildlife ecology and management. The Milling Lab at EWU investigates questions related to behavioral ecology, thermal physiology, and animal-habitat relationships to inform conservation of wildlife populations and their habitat. Applied research projects that address contemporary challenges of regional relevance (e.g., responses to wildfire, habitat quality assessments for Species of Greatest Conservation Need, adaptive capacity) are of particular interest. Research is conducted in both field and lab settings. Financial support is available through Graduate Service Appointments (GSAs, https://www.ewu.edu/apply/graduate/tuition-aid/), which provide tuition-waiver and wages for a 20 hour per week teaching responsibility. Additional funding may be available through grants or contracts to individual faculty advisors. For full GSA consideration for fall 2025 admission, applications are due February 10, 2025. Admission requires an undergraduate degree in Biology or a related field, 3.0 GPA, and approval of an EWU faculty member willing to serve as the thesis advisor. We recommend contacting potential advisors as early as possible in the application process. The GRE is not required. Application information: https://www.ewu.edu/apply/graduate/ Biology Department website: https://www.ewu.edu/cstem/biology/ EWU Graduate Programs website: https://www.ewu.edu/grad/ For questions contact: fmcne...@ewu.edu (Camille McNeely, M.S. Program Director, Biology, Eastern Washington University) EWU does not discriminate in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, citizenship or immigration status, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, genetic information, age, marital status, families with children, protected veteran or military status, HIV or hepatitis C, status as a mother breastfeeding her child, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability, as provided for and to the extent required by state and federal laws. Location EWU’s 300-acre main campus is located in Cheney, a community of 11,000 residents 16 miles southwest of the state’s second largest city, Spokane. Our area combines small-town charm and big-city life, floatable rivers and award-winning urban parks, Instagrammable nature spots and downtown market. The metro area is home to more than 600,000 people with nightlife, malls, an international airport, movie theaters, and museums. We also have cafes, restaurants, parks, art galleries, sports teams, concerts and enough coffee for even the fiercest java hounds. EWU has a strong commitment to supporting students from diverse backgrounds. Resources include active Multicultural (https://inside.ewu.edu/mcc/) and Pride (https://inside.ewu.edu/pridecenter/) Centers. EWU maintains a strong Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (https://inside.ewu.edu/diversityandinclusion/), a Writer’s Center that works with many of our Biology M.S. students (https://inside.ewu.edu/writerscenter/), and a robust Student Accommodations and Support team (https://inside.ewu.edu/sass/). To unsubscribe from this list please go to https://community.esa.org/confirm/?u=RhPWqPxFwODKvbkiT32nkIqRrsiSgulp