Hello all,

GA DNR is advertising for a new Wildlife Biologist 1 position to assist with 
rare plant conservation and coordination.

Job Description:
The Wildlife Biologist 1 will support the botany team in the Wildlife 
Conservation Section by focusing on partnerships within the Georgia Plant 
Conservation Alliance (GPCA). Key responsibilities include organizing GPCA 
habitat management workdays and events, leading collection efforts for priority 
species, and acquiring data for incorporation into rare species databases. 
Additionally, this position supports the botany team by prioritizing species 
for botanical surveys, processing and archiving GIS data, and reviewing land 
management proposals. This position offers valuable field and project 
management experience. While based in the Social Circle office of the Wildlife 
Resources Division, extensive travel throughout the state is required.

Preferred Qualifications:

  1.  Bachelor’s degree in Botany, Conservation Biology, or a related field.
  2.  Experience surveying and monitoring rare plants and natural communities.
  3.  Familiarity with the flora and habitats of the Southeastern U.S., 
including experience using taxonomic keys.
  4.  Proven ability to collaborate with colleagues and partners to complete 
projects on time, even in challenging conditions.
  5.  Experience managing large datasets and proficiency with GPS/GIS software.
  6.  Prior employment experience with GA DNR/Wildlife Resources Division.

Salary: $47,879.85 year plus benefits

Application Deadline: November 29, 2024

Download an application for employment at https://gadnr.org/careers/ and submit 
the completed application to the e-mail address highlighted below. 
Alternatively, a completed paper copy can be mailed to the following address:

Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Office of Human Resources
ATTN: Recruitment and Selection
2067 US Hwy, 278, SE
Social Circle, GA 30025

Address questions to:
Carlee Steppe, Botanist


Carlee Steppe, Conservation Botanist

Wildlife Conservation<http://www.georgiawildlife.com/wildlife>

Wildlife Resources Division<http://georgiawildlife.com/>

Office: (706) 557-3226

Cell: (470) 532-7456

Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/WildlifeResourcesDivisionGADNR> • 
Twitter<http://twitter.com/georgiawild> • 
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sign up here: https://forms.gle/ogzjdHJt4VHQoBM16

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