Project Title: Improving National Forest Management Planning Using Forest 
Landscape Modelling
Principal Investigator: Professor Scott Markwith, Ph.D., Department of 
Geosciences, Florida Atlantic University, email:, URL:
Ecological biogeographer with expertise in vegetation dynamics and 
disturbances, and spatial, statistical, and ecosystem modelling. He has led and 
collaborated on projects in National Forests in the southeastern and western US 
concerning climate change and the effects of wildfires on vegetation change and 
carbon stocks and fluxes.
Co-Principal Investigator: Research Ecologist Brian Sturtevant, Ph.D., Northern 
Research Station, US Forest Service, URL:
Research Ecologist with expertise in LANDIS-II modelling of land-use and 
management, vegetation dynamics, and disturbances. He has led and collaborated 
on projects in the northern and eastern US concerning climate change, pest 
outbreaks, and the effects of prescribed burning and species reintroductions on 
vegetation change and carbon stocks.
Forest landscape models can enable projections of potential futures in forested 
landscapes based on drivers and processes underlying forest dynamics, 
ultimately providing decision support for land managers based on the best 
available science. National Forest (NF) strategic planning has not taken 
advantage of the most complete and appropriate forest landscape modelling 
platform available, LANDIS-II (, due to a historic reliance 
on state and transition models. The 2012 Planning Rule for NFs has changed the 
planning environment, putting a strong emphasis on ecosystem integrity and 
requires Forest plans to account for climate change, carbon, and provisioning 
of ecosystem services in addition to timber. LANDIS-II is ideally suited for 
such integrative strategic planning applications.
The proposed project is at the forefront of an effort to demonstrate to the 
USFS Planning Service Organization the utility and scientific justification for 
adoption of LANDIS-II and forest landscape modelling in general as a powerful 
tool for strategic planning for our nation’s NFs. This project may result in 
the first incorporation of LANDIS-II results into a Forest Plan and could 
potentially result in agency acceptance of LANDIS-II for NF planning purposes. 
Such an outcome would improve the reliability and defensibility of NF Plan 
Revisions for decades to come. Additionally, this project will provide value 
for the broader scientific community, forest managers on other federal and 
state lands, and non-profit conservation organizations via publications and 
presentations at scientific conferences.
Our goal is to work directly with USFS Eastern Planning Service Group (EPSG) 
staff, NF and Regional Office staff, and USFS R&D scientists to model and 
assess alternative real-world forest management strategies for their effects on 
forest resilience and ecosystem goods and services in the context of a changing 
climate to demonstrate the effectiveness of LANDIS-II as a decision-support 
tool for Forest planning, resulting in tool adoption by the USFS.
Position Description:
FAU Jumpstart Postdoctoral Program: Solving complex societal challenges 
increasingly requires multidisciplinary and team-based approaches. There is a 
pressing need to meet the demands of a growing human population while 
minimizing adverse impacts of habitat alteration, climate change, invasive 
species, overexploitation, and pollution on human health and ecological 
systems. These problems operate at scales from molecules to ecosystems, and 
there is an urgent need to develop the science that can cross these scales to 
identify real-world solutions. As more and more of our approaches to science, 
as well as our daily activities, rely on digital and computer- based systems, 
issues related to the management, integration, interpretation and security of 
large amounts of data need to be integrated into much of this work.
The overall aim of the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science Jumpstart 
Postdoctoral Program is to stimulate synergistic interactions between faculty 
and postdoctoral associates interested in collaborating on multidisciplinary 
research that addresses societally relevant problems. Postdoctoral associates 
will be encouraged to participate in grant proposal development workshops and 
other professional development activities. While in residence, the postdoctoral 
associates will be expected to be visible members of the College of Science 
(COS) community, actively engaging with faculty, undergraduate and graduate 
students, and contributing to furthering our collaborative culture. FAU’s 
Office of Postdoctoral Affairs supports faculty and their postdocs by offering 
career development, networking opportunities, and a sense of community to this 
group of scholars.
Applications should be submitted by teams consisting of one postdoctoral 
researcher and two advisors, at least one of whom must be a faculty member in 
the College of Science (COS). The other advisor(s) may be from a different 
department within COS, from any other College at FAU or from an entity external 
to the university (e.g., private company, government agency, NGO). Since an 
important aim of the program is to jumpstart the formation of new teams, the 
faculty advisors and/or postdoc should not have collaborated previously (as 
evidenced by jointly authored publications or grants).
Duties: The postdoctoral researcher will: 1) attend and participate in meetings 
with EPSG and USFS personnel concerning such topics as the Forest Plan 
alternative management strategies and parameters, model area delineation, and 
data availability and acquisition; 2) be responsible for LANDIS-II input data 
preparation and model parameterization and calibration; 3) run alternative 
simulation scenarios and analyze data output; 4) draft and submit manuscripts 
for publication as well as report and present findings to agency personnel and 
in public academic settings; and 5) draft and submit research proposals using 
LANDIS-II that dovetail with Forest unit planning processes.
Expected Start Date: Summer 2025
Timeframe: Funding for two years, contingent on positive evaluation at the end 
of the first year.
Salary and Benefits: Salary will be based on the NIH postdoc salary scale, 
dependent on number of years of Postdoc experience, URL:, plus benefits 
and $5,000 per year for supplies and travel.
Requirements: PhD degree obtained by the time of appointment. Advanced degrees 
in Geoscience, Geography, Forestry, Ecology, Resource Management, Environmental 
Science, or any other relevant field. Experience with forest landscape 
modeling, specifically LANDIS-II, and record of publication and grant 
experience preferred. Prior collaborations, e.g., publication or grant funding, 
with the PI and Co-PI are not allowed under this Postdoc program, as the 
intention is to foster new collaborations.
Application: Please send a letter of interest, CV, and unofficial transcripts 
to Dr. Scott Markwith, email: Applications will be reviewed 
on a rolling basis.


Dr. Scott H. Markwith, Professor

Department of Geosciences

Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Phone: 561-297-2102<>
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