The University of Maine at Fort Kent (UMFK) seeks to employ an Assistant/Associate Professor or an Instructor of Forest Management <>. This is a 9-month, full-time tenure-track position that includes expectations for scholarship and service. Teaching responsibilities include 12-credit hours of forest management and biology courses in both fall and spring terms. Course assignments will be determined based on the successful candidate’s skillset, but may include dendrology, forest management, advanced silviculture/mensuration, and/or chainsaw operations. In addition to course development and delivery, responsibilities may include participation in the continued development of Associate’s, Bachelor’s, and Master’s level degree programming in forest management. The successful candidate will also be expected to develop scholarships appropriate to the field of forest management, especially research that engages undergraduate students. Located on the northernmost border of Maine, the University of Maine at Fort Kent is a career-focused campus offering relevant, experiential, academic programs and services with personalized attention. UMFK’s diverse student population enjoys the opportunity to live and learn in a beautiful, natural setting and a caring, friendly atmosphere where they thrive as engaged members of the community. UMFK is the only institution in the United States located at the center of the French culture of northern Maine, eastern New Brunswick, and western Québec, offering opportunities for students to study and live in a bilingual region. To apply, visit the UMFK Careers Page at ** <> or follow the direct link above to the position vacancy listing. [image: University of Maine at Fort Kent - LIFE at UMFK: Learn. Innovate. Find. Engage.]*Kennedy "Ned" F. Rubert-Nason, Ph.D.* *Associate Professor of Chemistry • Co-Chair, Human Ecology/Ecological Society of America* [image: phone number] Cell: (608) 234-1321 <+1-207-834-7558>; Off: (207) 834-8693 <+1-207-834-7558> [image: website] *University of Maine at Fort Kent* 207 Nadeau Hall • 23 University Drive Fort Kent, ME 04743 To unsubscribe from this list please go to