Dear all, The European project RESPIN<> (REinforcing Science-Policy INterfaces for integrated biodiversity and climate knowledge and policies), which is looking to improve the uptake of existing knowledge on biodiversity and climate in decision-making and to strengthen collaboration between IPBES and IPCC. To do so, RESPIN developed a survey to better understand the barriers and incentives to the engagement of knowledge holders in IPBES and the IPCC processes. We invite all contributors/potential contributors/end-users of IPBES or IPCC to complete this questionnaire - we're therefore counting on you to please complete the questionnaire and share it within your professional network. The questionnaire is available at this link >> and links to French, Spanish and Russian versions are also available at the beginning of the questionnaire. It will be open until March 2025. Thank you very much in advance for completing the questionnaire and sharing it within your networks.
[signature_701717591] Marie-Claire Danner SCIENCE OFFICER IN EUROPEAN AFFAIRS RESPIN, BIODIVERSA+, IPBES Please note that I don't work on Friday +33 (0)6 71 66 46 58 FRB-CESAB : 5 rue de l'école de médecine, 34000 MONTPELLIER To unsubscribe from this list please go to