My husband (environmental writer)  and I (restoration ecologist)  co-edited the collaborative effort because the voices of scientists, educators, field practitioners,  policymakers, etc. are not often heard.  The next generation can build on their voices.  We and the 85 authors, agreed to pool any book royalties and donate to a conservation cause(s) to be decided by the group.
Students, professionals and conservation advocates alike in applied ecology, wildlife biology, entomology, botany, land management, landscape architecture,  horticulture,  journalism, environmental ethics and public policy will benefit from these authoritiesstories.  Lesson’s Learned …... is packed with actions already taken, to build on in the future.  There is never enough time or money to waste on recreating the wheel.  
This network of conservationists cross jurisdictional boundaries as well as agency silos to form partnerships and solve environmental issues.  Building on their insights will inform and inspire the generation that follows.   The multidisciplinary collection is unique in that it also includes voices from  local, county, state, federal and North American levels. 
Attached are the Lessons Learned Protecting and Restoring Biodiversity, Conservation in Action cover and Table of Contents that includes action titles and the authors who took them.

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Attachment: TOC.2.12.24 action Elanor 2.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document

For those interested in its textbook value, advocacy insights or field practitioner know-how in protecting flora and fauna see the book sample at
the Cambridge Scholars website,,  Books at textbook pricing can be ordered here as well.

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