I've built the latest libdrm and replaced the assertion in 
radeon_cs_gem.c. with

if (!boi->space_accounted) return -EINVAL;

I now get the following crash in the cutscene:

CS section size missmatch start at (r200_state_init.c,ctx_emit_cs,487) 
28 vs 24
CS section end at (r200_state_init.c,ctx_emit_cs,520)
CS section size missmatch start at (r200_state_init.c,tex_emit_mm,572) 
13 vs 11
CS section end at (r200_state_init.c,tex_emit_mm,588)
drmRadeonCmdBuffer: -22. Kernel failed to parse or rejected command 
stream. See dmesg for more info.

dmesg output is:

[ 1232.744676] [drm:radeon_cs_packet_next_reloc] *ERROR* No packet3 for 
on for packet at 34.
[ 1232.744691] [drm] ib[34]=0x00000712
[ 1232.744694] [drm] ib[35]=0x00010340
[ 1232.744698] [drm:r200_packet0_check] *ERROR* No reloc for ib[33]=0x1C40
[ 1232.744701] [drm] ib[32]=0x00000710
[ 1232.744704] [drm] ib[33]=0x00000000
[ 1232.744707] [drm:radeon_cs_ib_chunk] *ERROR* Invalid command stream !

So it's really a mesa bug :-(

Am 27.07.2014 um 14:47 schrieb Marek Ol??k:
> I think the problem is the driver hasn't called
> radeon_cs_space_add_persistent_bo.
> Marek
> On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 6:32 PM, Jochen Rollwagen <joro-2013 at t-online.de> 
> wrote:
>> I've recently ported the peopsxgl OpenGL-GPU-Plugin for the pcsx
>> Playstation1 Emulator to the Powerpc-architecture. When running certain
>> games (for instance "Vagrant Stories") during longer cut-scenes i get a
>> reproducible crash of the radeon drm driver (i.e. it always crashes at
>> certain points in the scene) with the following message (in german):
>> pcsx: radeon_cs_gem.c:181: cs_gem_write_reloc: Zusicherung
>> ?boi->space_accounted? nicht erf?llt.
>> Abgebrochen (Speicherabzug geschrieben)
>> This happens with all the latest 3.10, 3.12 and 3.14 kernels.
>> Other than that i'm running the latest xorg-ati driver, libdrm and mesa from
>> git on a Mac Mini G4 (PowerPC).
>> OpenGL vendor string: Mesa Project
>> OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R200 (RV280 5962)  TCL DRI2
>> OpenGL version string: 1.3 Mesa 10.1.6 (git-42f86ef)
>> I guess the issue is memory/vm/swap-related since the machine only has 1 gb
>> RAM. The GPU has 64 MB VRAM.
>> Any ideas what i could do to avoid these crashes ?
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