> On 07/18/2023 9:00 AM MDT Gerald Galster <list+dove...@gcore.biz> wrote:
> While I understand it takes effort to maintain the replication plugin, this 
> is especially problematic for small active/active high-availability 
> deployments.

To clarify: replication absolutely does not provide "active/active".  
Replication was meant to copy data to a standby server, but you can't have 
concurrent mailbox access.  This is why directors existed.

> I guess there are lots of servers that use replication for just 50 or 100 
> mailboxes. Cloudstorage (like S3) would be overkill for these.
> Do you provide dovecot pro subscriptions for such small deployments?

A 50-100 mailbox user server will run Dovecot CE just fine.  Pro would be 

All current Dovecot development assumes that storage is decoupled from the 
system.  Shared (as in network available) storage is what you need if you want 
high availability, whether in Pro or CE.

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