On 2023-07-19 12:55, Gerald Galster wrote:
Le 19/07/2023 à 19:53, Michael Peddemors a écrit :
Real world is a bit different.. DNS Caching.. While DNS Round Robin is good 
enough to distribute loads, it isnt' a very good method for failover, even with 
a very short TTL.  Many home routers, still insist on caching results for a 
long time, no matter what the TTL says, and of course Windows internal caching 

Should not confuse the issue.. call it a 'poor man's load balancer' if you 
will, but it more of a last line failover, and during the time it takes for DNS 
to retry, and find another active node, an AWFUL lot of disgruntled customers 
will be calling ;)

Also so interesting to see some resolvers that don't think of using the second 
record, if the first one is down..

You're mixing things : DNS and Mail client behavior. It is a non sense.
A resolver will serve records, It does not use them and do not care of what is 
behind the record.
A good client use the lists (of A or AAAA) records to connect to the server and 
will iterate on the list if the server behind the record is down.
And DNS caching do it job nothing less, nothing more and is out of the picture.

Emmanuel is right. Here's an example to clarify:

$ dig imap.web.de

imap.web.de.            226     IN      A
imap.web.de.            226     IN      A

A dns query for imap.web.de address records (IN A) returns two ip addresses.
A local resolver receives those two ip addresses and usually passes them on
to clients while it may rotate the order, so that some clients will see, and others will see,
It is possible to get the same order for subsequent requests but on a *global* 
that roughly equals 50/50 loadbalancing.

Mail clients then connect to e.g. and try on 
failure without any further dns involvement. Dns caching (ttl) is irrelevant in 
that case.

In theory, that is how it is SUPPOSED to work, in practice (and we have lots of history where customers ran into this problem when one went down), I believe that it was Outlook that didn't try an alternative IP address for a 20 min internal cache for instance, before a requery of the DNS was done, at which time it again would choose which IP to connect to. As well, SOME modems would get the two results, and return only one to the client. And lots of libraries we see, do the DNS query, get two IP results, but then only use the first one returned, etc..

Not arguing how it is supposed to work, just forewarning those to be ready when it doesn't work like the manual says.. (Everyone hates phone calls about email being down).

If you want to be certain, only a true load balancer will fit the bill.

Oh, and another PS.. IF you are going to do round robin, suggest you make two (2) MX records, and put two IPs in both, and then equal weight the two MX's.

Keeps a more even load, given those that only prefer the first MX returned, and those that prefer the last (spammers)

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