On 10.8.2012, at 12.21, Sergey S. Kovalev wrote:

>>> I think that battery life is the reason, why this feature is not implemented
>>> in iPhone. It will use only one IMAP connection
>> so it is not "it's IMAP limitation"
> As I told - IMAP limitation is to control only one folder.

Assuming NOTIFY extension isn't implemented by both. (Dovecot v2.2 hopefully 
will have it, and K-9 apparently is interested in adding it too after that.)

>> how does help me "save battery" if i have a folder-structure
>> maintained by sieve if i do not get my new mails?
> If you open 10 connections to IMAP server and will IDLE on them - your phone 
> will wake up to reply for ping in every of that 10 connections.
> Imagine if there will 100 folders?

Like mentioned previously in this thread, you can disable the "ping"s in 
Dovecot. And even when they happen Dovecot makes them happen at the same time. 
So I think the power usage difference between 1 connection and 100 connections 
isn't much.

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