10.08.2012 15:16, Reindl Harald пишет:

Am 10.08.2012 09:08, schrieb Sergey S. Kovalev:
iPhone will not notify for new mail in any folder, except INBOX - it's IMAP 
IMAP IDLE monitor only one selected folder.
If you need notifying of new mail in copule of mail folders you shold look for 
ActiveSync realization.
On small mailboxes it's z-push and tine20 for example - they can use IMAP 
server as backend.
this may be a IPHONE limitation as all the apple
clients are buggy like hell since years

i have a Android with K9, a lot of folders where messages are stored
by sieve-scirpts and on my phone i can actively select which folders
should be used for push

Sure, it can do it in two ways: open several connections to imap server (one per folder) or periodically change current directory and get changes. But any of this solution will eat battery very fast, proportionally to count of folders to check. I think that battery life is the reason, why this feature is not implemented in iPhone. It will use only one IMAP connection.

Sergey S. Kovalev

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