10.08.2012 09:44, dove...@noboost.org пишет:
Hi All,
Probably a very common question now days.
I'd like to configure our iPhones at work to go directly to my dovecot
server (currently dovecot-2.0.9-2.el6_1.1.x86_64). Using the IMAP IDLE
(push email) protocol.
Has anyone successfully deployed this? If yes, did you have to use an
app from the Apple store? For me the IMAP process works, however it's
clearly not notifying the client when new email is detected on the
iPhone will not notify for new mail in any folder, except INBOX - it's
IMAP limitation.
IMAP IDLE monitor only one selected folder.
If you need notifying of new mail in copule of mail folders you shold
look for ActiveSync realization.
On small mailboxes it's z-push and tine20 for example - they can use
IMAP server as backend.
Sergey S. Kovalev