On 22/02/2012 23:56, Ed W wrote:
I think it has potential though. I think a lot of the current plugins on the website could easily be rewritten, likely without performance concerns, using a scripting based plugin system. I could see that some other big picture pieces could potentially benefit also

One interesting test case for such a scripting hooks solution might be login restrictions. There seem to be regular requests for the ability to setup arbitrarily complicated restrictions on users per IP, attempts per second, etc (and my logging interest is kind of related also).

Not trying to bump the item up any todo lists, just trying to chuck in some concrete ideas for actually testing a specific implementation...

I guess a substantially more performance orientated area that seems to get some interest would be various spam, expunge, delete ideas and the hooks needed for those. These seem much more tricky to implement a scripting hook and still stay performant. Again just ideas for real things people might want to do?


Ed W

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