On 13.2.2012, at 22.24, Michael M Slusarz wrote: > http://lists.horde.org/archives/imp/Week-of-Mon-20110523/052316.html > http://lists.horde.org/archives/imp/Week-of-Mon-20110523/052317.html > > These posts neglect the fact that you don't need to issue a CAPABILITY > command if the connection is reused either, so that's an additional > advantage. Note that the XPROXYREUSE-enabled MUA must be the exclusive user > of the imapproxy instance for this feature to work correctly. > > Somewhat topical, since Timo was just mentioning support for some sort of > IMAP state save/restore feature possibly making it into 2.2.
Perhaps a way for (trusted) clients to be able to do this? :) a logout save * OK [SAVEDSTATE 1234567890] * BYE logged out a OK ... b login (SAVEDSTATE 1234567890) user pass * OK [RESTOREDSTATE 1234567890] b ok vs. b login (SAVEDSTATE 1234567890) user pass * NO [UNKNOWNSTATE 1234567890] b ok