Timo Sirainen a écrit :
On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 22:19 +0100, Pascal Mouret wrote:
Is a fix available, or will a fix be available for v1.0 ? I mean, I've
seen it's still v1.0.15 that is packaged in the brand new Debian
stable (Lenny), so that may be useful for anyone using Debian (if
there are actually more people who need the feature than people who
raised the issue !!)
Is that a hard work to do ? May I be of any help ?
Even if I wrote the fix for v1.0, it wouldn't get added to Debian. And
if you're not using the official Debian package, you might as well use
I'm using the official package ! v1.0.15 is the official Debian Lenny
stable package, and I'm using the Etch backport version of this package
So, I think a fix would be added (but I'm no Debian guru).
I had a look at v1.1 : it only appears in Lenny unstable (v1.1.11), so
using it in a Debian way means upgrading to Lenny and using unstable
which is not recommended for production servers. But I'll have a closer
look at it then
Thank you very much
Pascal Mouret
Responsable du Service Informatique
Polytech' Marseille, Université de Provence
60, rue Joliot-Curie / 13453 Marseille cedex 13
Mel : pascal.mou...@polytech.univ-mrs.fr
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