Timo Sirainen a écrit :
On Thu, 2009-02-26 at 21:56 +0100, Pascal Mouret wrote:
Thank you very much
So it may be a problem when the flags are copied from the index file
onto the main mbox file, right ?
Something like that. Strange that other people haven't complained about
it being broken. Anyway v1.1 has fixed this already.
Is there a performance penalty of setting mbox_lazy_writes to no by the
way ?
Is a fix available, or will a fix be available for v1.0 ? I mean, I've
seen it's still v1.0.15 that is packaged in the brand new Debian stable
(Lenny), so that may be useful for anyone using Debian (if there are
actually more people who need the feature than people who raised the
issue !!)
Is that a hard work to do ? May I be of any help ?
Thank you very much again
Now, on a busy server, with a lot of flag changes (or rather a lot of
flag additions), would that make a noticeable difference ?
No idea. It does make Dovecot do more work.
Pascal Mouret
Responsable du Service Informatique
Polytech' Marseille, Université de Provence
60, rue Joliot-Curie / 13453 Marseille cedex 13
Mel : pascal.mou...@polytech.univ-mrs.fr
Tel : 04 91 11 38 04 / Fax : 04 91 11 38 54