Hello all,

I'm having problems with setting custom flags on a dovecot imap setup, with mbox mail store. I was running v1.0rc15 on a Debian Etch box, upgraded recently to v1.0.15, but nothing changed.

The problem :
I read my mail using IMAP. In Thunderbird (various versions, current one being v2.0.0.19), I can set various message flags (Important, Personal, Work, ... mapped to IMAP as $Label4,$ $Label3, $Label2, ...). I read my mail from several machines, but all changes made on the message flags from one machine won't appear on the others !?
Still I've read that those flags are supported in Dovecot.
Actually, I logged the IMAP traffic, and saw that Dovecot claims to "handle" them.
For instance, I added a flag to a message :
Thunderbird > 621 uid store 35150 +FLAGS ($label4)
Dovecot > * 6716 FETCH (UID 35150 FLAGS (\Seen \Recent $Label4))

Now, if I close TB, so that changes are written to the mbox file, and if I open that file on a the server with any text editor, the 'X-Keywords' line doesn't appear !? And as a matter of a fact, if I read my mail from any other machine, the flag isn't set !

Anyone knows where the problem can be ? Do I need to upgrade to v1.1 ? Or are custom flags actually supported in v1.0 (which I believe is the case) ? I browsed through the internet and searched the archives of this mailing list but didn't find any clue ...
Any help would be much appreciated
Thank you very much in advance

   Pascal Mouret

Pascal Mouret
Responsable du Service Informatique
Polytech' Marseille, Université de Provence
60, rue Joliot-Curie / 13453 Marseille cedex 13
Mel : pascal.mou...@polytech.univ-mrs.fr
Tel : 04 91 11 38 04 / Fax : 04 91 11 38 54

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