On Oct 16, 2008, at 6:12 PM, Charles Marcus wrote:

Probably compiled with 32bit off_t, which prevents opening files >2GB. Compiling with 64bit off_t should be pretty easy with Linux, but I don't know if Postfix can be configured to do that without modifying Makefile
manually (-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64).

Ah, thanks for the correction/explanation...

I guess then that this is essentially a 32-bit filesystem limitation?


are you saying that you could still compile postfix like this even on a
32 bit system?

Yes. The problem is that you need to be able to seek in files, so you have this off_t type for storing the file offset. Normally it's signed 32bit in 32bit systems, so the file sizes are limited to 2 GB. But Linux and Solaris at least support easily recompiling with 64bit off_t.

I'm also guessing that postfix running on a 64 bit system would normally
be compiled this way...?

With 64bit systems off_t is always 64bit.

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