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Timo Sirainen wrote:
> On Oct 14, 2008, at 6:56 PM, Vassilis Vatikiotis wrote:
>> What I want to achieve is receive mail in /var/spool/mail, which is
>> going to contain 1 Maildir per user, and have /home/%u/Maildir/ to store
>> (move) messages from spool location.
> So Dovecot should automatically move messages from one maildir to
> another when it sees messages there? You could probably do that with
> mbox-snarf plugin (it should work with maildir too). See if you can get
> it compiled with 1.0.rc15:
> http://dovecot.org/patches/1.0/mbox-snarf-plugin.c
Actually no, I just want dovecot to be able to access both maildirs of a
user, at the same time. So, in my MUA, I'd be able to see 2 locations
(folders), 1 at my home directory and 1 under /var/spool.

The reason I need to use /var/spool is that this folder is monitored
very closely so it make sense to have postfix storing incoming messages
there. End users can move msgs, from the spool locatioon, to their
personal maildirs as they see fit.

> If you can't, just upgrade. Or I'd suggest upgrading in any case. There
> are v1.1 packages available in backports.org and mbox-snarf plugin comes
> with it.
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