On Oct 14, 2008, at 6:56 PM, Vassilis Vatikiotis wrote:

What I want to achieve is receive mail in /var/spool/mail, which is
going to contain 1 Maildir per user, and have /home/%u/Maildir/ to store
(move) messages from spool location.

So Dovecot should automatically move messages from one maildir to another when it sees messages there? You could probably do that with mbox-snarf plugin (it should work with maildir too). See if you can get it compiled with 1.0.rc15: http://dovecot.org/patches/1.0/mbox-snarf-plugin.c

If you can't, just upgrade. Or I'd suggest upgrading in any case. There are v1.1 packages available in backports.org and mbox-snarf plugin comes with it.

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