> I'm reentering this conversation a little late - but how are you
> delivering mail?  Via the Dovecot LDA (in which case Sieve should be
> used)?  Or directly via e.g. procmail (in which case Sieve never gets a
> chance to be run)?

I have Exim, which does its usual thing, and the LDA is Dovecot (IMAPS). 
Up to this point, I have used Thunderbird/Icedove as the MUA, but there
have been problems, as we have discussed already (not solved yet).  I do
the road warrior thing from time to time, so have been using Squirrelmail
on the laptop (also now on the desktop, because it's the only thing that I
can send on).

When I try to set lda as a protocol, that is:

protocols = imaps managesieve lda

I get an error message:
Restarting IMAP/POP3 mail server: dovecotFatal: Unknown protocol lda

Either one is not supposed to do that, or there's something wrong with how
I have lda set up:

protocol lda {
    postmaster_address = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#    sieve_global_path = /var/mail/.global.sieve
    script_path = ~/.dovecot.sieve
    mail_plugin_dir = /usr/lib/dovecot/modules/lda
    mail_plugins = cmusieve
    mail_debug = yes
    log_path = /var/log/dovecot/deliverlog
    info_log_path = /var/log/dovecot/deliverlog

Managesieve sets up the symlink for ~/.dovecot.sieve OK.  However, nothing
is in the logs, and there's nothing in /sieve/tmp.

Of course, the problem may lie elsewhere. but this seems to me the place
to start.



Cam Ellison, PhD RPsych (BC #01417)
Cam Ellison & Associates Ltd.
3446 Beach Avenue
Roberts Creek BC  V0N 2W2
Phone 604.885.4806
Fax 694.885.4809
Cell 604.989.0635

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