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Here's the latest managesieve session:
OK "Logged in."
"SIEVE" "fileinto reject envelope vacation imapflags notify subaddress
relational comparator-i;ascii-numeric regex"
OK "Capability completed."
PUTSCRIPT ".dovecot.sieve" {2049+}
From what I see here I am not quite sure whether you have understood
the ManageSieve protocol. The putscript command as specified above
expects you to provide 2049 bytes of script directly after entering the
command. It will not accept other commands until it has fully read the
2049 bytes. (Refer to the specification
http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-martin-managesieve-08.txt). The listing
above shows no script and a logout command in stead. You indicate that
you have to cancel the connection using Ctrl-C which is consistent with
that behavior.
The following similar protocol session should show how it is done with a
trivially small script:
OK "Logged in."
"SIEVE" "comparator-i;ascii-numeric fileinto reject vacation imapflags
notify include envelope body relational regex subaddress copy"
OK "Capability completed."
PUTSCRIPT "hotseflots" {6+}
OK "Putscript completed."
GETSCRIPT "hotseflots"
OK "Getscript completed.
SETACTIVE "hotseflots"
OK "Setactive completed."
"hotseflots" ACTIVE
OK "Listscripts completed."
BTW, it is not useful to upload a script called .dovecot.sieve on the
server. For managesieve, the .dovecot.sieve script (as looked for by the
Sieve plugin) is a symbolic link that points to the actual active script
in the sieve storage directory. That also explains the warning in your
follow-up e-mail, indicating that a normal file is still in place. When
you upload and activate a new script, the situation is resolved. The
regular file previously called .dovecot.sieve is moved to the sieve
directory as dovecot-orig.sieve (and listed as dovecot-orig). However,
if you consider your current sieve script to be important you are
advised to back it up before uploading and activating a script through
I hope this solves your issue.