> sieve_storage = ~/sieve
> That means that your script files are inside your home directory in a
> subdirectory called 'sieve'. All scripts must have an extension '.sieve'.
> Meaning that if you put a script called 'ingo' on your server through
> ManageSieve, it is stored in that directory as 'ingo.sieve'. If you place
> a script called 'existing.sieve' inside that directory it will be listed
> in LISTSCRIPTS as 'existing'. If GETSCRIPT cannot find the script, try
> LISTSCRIPTS to find out which scripts are actually known by the server.

Aha!  Should have seen this, I suppose.  Yes, that works.  Now I can go
back to the original problem.

Thank you, once again


Cam Ellison, PhD RPsych (BC #01417)
Cam Ellison & Associates Ltd.
3446 Beach Avenue
Roberts Creek BC  V0N 2W2
Phone 604.885.4806
Fax 694.885.4809
Cell 604.989.0635

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